Tuesday, February 16

RIP Ring Tree

Game Over. We all knew it was coming, we just didn't know when. The old leaner down at South Cove, made famous by everyones favorite Japanese remake "The Ring", has packed up and made its way home to tree heaven. Rivaling in popularity with the Big Tree, and joining the ranks of infamous fallen trees with the Rope Swing tree, the Ring Tree had been hanging on for dear life over the road for years. In honor of the Ring, in 7 days there will be a moment of silence for our fallen hero. In lieu of flowers, donations can be made to the "Fix the South Cove Cabin so Shawkabukoo Can Live There Forever" fund.

Here are a few shots of the tree from the movie and some from today,the day the Ring Tree laid itself to rest.
And the night scene.
And finally those pesky teens, goofing around the old tree.


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