Monday, February 8

For Old Times Sake

I've been purging my old computer of all its last files. I had my little Dell since my senior year of high school. For those keeping track at home, I used the Dell for almost 6 years. That's a long time in computer years. Especially for a Dell that wasn't that great to begin with. Still, there were a lot of old files tucked away in that machine. Even a few papers from my college writing class. By college writing class I mean the class I took to prepare me for college writing when I was still in high school. I wrote those papers before I even knew what college was like. Now I am almost two years removed from my last college class. I guess all that means is that its time to go back to school and further my education... Anyway, these are a few pictures I came across while rummaging through previously mentioned old files. They aren't really that old. I think from last spring and summer. In descending order, Pike Place, the San Juan Islands, Squalicum Harbor.

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