Monday, February 1

Baseball Season Can't Come Any Sooner

I've waited patiently for the past three months. I've endured football season. I like football, I do. But it's in the fall and winter seasons. I don't care much for those seasons. And I didn't grow up playing football, so the love of the game is pretty shallow. The UW Football Huskies showed vast improvement and played in some unbelievable and heart wrenching games, but they were still a 5-7 ball club, so how much fun can you really have. In terms of the NFL, I am a big bandwagon Seahawks fan. Since they were a terrible excuse for a professional football team, I didn't come anywhere close to jumping on any bandwagons. I've enjoyed basketball season but only to a certain extent. My huskies, preseason Pac-10 Champs, are the Jekyll and Hyde of the NCAA. At home, they're competing for a national championship. Period. On the road, they are a division 2 project trying to keep pace with the likes of the Western Washington Vikings and Seattle Pacific Falcons. And the NBA...Ugh. Sonics, still gone. Thunder, possible playoff team. Plus, it's still only February. The NBA doesn't matter until April at the earliest. People talk about certain teams being in trouble because they can't win games in December and January. Here's the secret, it doesn't really matter. The Spurs used to never start trying until late February at the earliest and ended up winning a couple Championships the past few years. Also, it's the NBA, so who really cares that much. And by the time I should start caring, baseball will have started, so the NBA will be on the back burner, set to simmer. I'm thankful for football and basketball, because they pass the time between the end of the World Series and the start of Spring Training. We're now closer to the start of spring training than we are from the end of the World Series. We're on the downward slope. In two weeks, spring training starts. Then two months from now, baseball will officially begin. Not only that, the M's have real potential. And the Kid, Junior Griffey, will hit beautiful majestic bombs out to the deep right field porch for one more season.

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