Friday, February 26

Got a Light?

Not as big as I thought it would be. I guess they are right when they say the camera adds 10 pounds or so. NBC's high definition seemed to add a couple hundred pounds. On a sad note, it was dusk by the time we got to see it and it was a cloudy/drizzly day. Because of these true facts, the lighting wasn't as great as one might hope it would be. Whatever. I saw it...and felt it. When it had its little gas burps you got a wave of warmth that reminded me of what winter in the northwest is like, warm and sunny. This year at least. All in all, the flame was cool. A lot of fences though so we couldn't get too close. Oh well, like I said before, Vancouver decided that they would let the terrorists (and protesters) win. If I were designing a cauldron for an Olympic city I would make a large Bic Lighter. That might be fun. And just think of the advertising dollars Bic would send to the host city.

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