Monday, January 18

Whatcom Museum: The Lightcatcher

Check out the new Museum in town. The minute you think Bellingham is just a small little burg with hippies, food co-ops, petitions to ban boats on Lake Whatcom, odd art and retired people, we get a beauty like this that breaks the mold. Bellingham will hopefully always have that feeling of a small town that happens to be growing a bit. But it's nice sometimes when we get things like this that make it feel like we are a big city with cool, modern things to see, experience and enjoy. To me, this wall/adjoining courtyard was shockingly awesome because it felt very unlike Bellingham. If I saw this in Seattle or New York, I wouldn't be as surprised. Stuff like this is more prevalent. But here in "small" city Bellingham, it stands out for being modern and imaginative in a town of bland, weird and cliche "local" art that isn't that good. I didn't go in the museum, I'll save that for another day, but at least from the outside, it gets my approval.

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