Tuesday, August 7

Bellingham: The Backyard View

I threw a 5 megapixel iphone version of this up on Facebook/instagram yesterday. If you don't know what either or both of those are, how are you operating a computer right now? As much as I love the convenience and ease of iphone cameraing, the quality isn't quite there yet. Especially compared to a 60D (camera reference). So naturally I captured this colorful display with both photographic options. Here it is in all its 18 megapixel glory. A while back I talked about how difficult mornings used to be and sometimes still are for me. How one of the only things that could wrestle me free from the comforts of my sleeping quarters was the ever popular television hit, The Power Rangers. Turns out brilliantly superb sunrises have the same abilities to summon my alertness in the waking hours as a half hour program featuring those fictional fighters of evil. Interestingly, both sunrises and Power Rangers are well defined by the colorful attributes they posses and display.

If you're curious to read about how the Power Rangers made mornings less stupid then they should have been, click here:  It's Morphin Time!


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