Saturday, August 18

Travel: Peak 2 Peak

Whistler, BC

There are a small minority of folks here in Bellingham who are upset with what is coined locally as, "the Canadian Shopper". If you are unfamiliar, hoards of Maple Leafers flea their overtaxed land to come south where the guns are distributed freely because that is our right. They come to spend, buy, purchase and secure. Costco is jammed, the mall is jammed, TJ Maxx is jammed, apparently Wal Mart is jammed. So much so that there was a Facebook page created to honor those shoppers by ridiculously pleading for an American only shopping hour at Costco.  As is the case with the internet, things regarding the site turned ugly. Words were thrown around, people commented in ways they never would face to face, issues that shouldn't be issues were brought up and eventually national news outlets picked up on the story and everything was blown way out of proportion. I say all this because I, unlike some of my red blooded bald eagle loving patriots, have no problems with "the Canadian Shopper". I don't go to the stores they say are overcrowded so I rarely have to deal with this so called nightmare. Instead, I get to live in a city that greatly benefits from the increased tax dollars that we wouldn't have otherwise. I appreciate that our little town is thriving economically when compared to the rest of the state. So, to say thank you, my family and I made a quest north. We wanted to go to this place they call Canada and give back a small portion of the tax revenues our county has been so richly blessed with. Turns out things are way too expensive. Like, Way-To-Expensive. So we altered our plans a bit and took a ride on the longest gondola the world has ever known. The Peak 2 Peak was 20 minutes of amazing. My mom hated it. To be more accurate, she didn't actually go on it. But she would have hated it. 

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