Saturday, December 24

A Very Ulysses Christmas

Bellingham Covenant Church
Bellingham, WA

Christmas came early for me this year. That, or my 25th Birthday came really, really late. I just found $50 in a birthday card from last March. I was cleaning out my room, going through old magazines and cards. The crisp bill slipped out of one of those cards and landed ever so softly on my lush, just vacuumed, carpeted floor. It didn't make a sound, but if it did make a sound, it would have been a very beautiful sound. Ulysses S. Grant just sat there staring at me in his stoic yet joyful way, almost as if to say, "Merry Christmas Kile, may your days be merry and bright." Thank you Mr. Grant and thank you sender of the birthday card. 

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