Friday, December 30

Living Vicariously through My Former Self: Vatican

St. Peters Basilica
Vatican City

Life is all about taking what was once great, remastering it and trying to improve upon that greatness by creating a new, even greater reincarnation of that original greatness. If George Lucas could do it with Star Wars and DC Talk could do it with the Free at Last EP, I can surely do it with some of my European pictures. I surely can and I surely did. I rummaged through my external hard drive and selected/re-edited some of the finest digital images I created while backpacking my way through the southern half of Europe. For a quick historical recap, I traveled overseas to Europe in the summer of 2007. I'd been given the flight discount pricing of a lifetime. $300 round trip to fly standby on Delta. $300!!! I had to take up this opportunity, and I did. I hugged the Mediterranean heading east hitting Spain, Germany, Austria, Italy, Greece and Italy once more. Due to the beauty of the sights, the historical depth and the company I kept and met, this trip was amazing. Due to my lack of planning, foresight and understanding of whether it's smart to trust strangers, this trip had some weird, crazy and generally unsafe moments. But that's bound to happen when you're travelling Europe. Below were three favorites from Rome, specifically the Vatican City. As I say often, no picture can really capture the greatness of what I was witnessing. But I did my best. 

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