Tuesday, September 18

Travel: Smell of Rich Mahogany

Law Library: State Library of Iowa

The Library tucked ever so snuggly inside the hallowed walls of the Iowa State Capitol building is breathtaking. Spectacular even. Some people enjoy ranking libraries, I don't know any of these people and can't imagine they actually exist. But I will try my best to do such an activity. Based solely on my own judgement, the State Library of Iowa ranks a close 2nd to the University of Washington's Suzzalo Library in sheer old school grandeur. It ranks slightly ahead of the Seattle Central Library in unique detail. It ranks about as far as possible ahead of the downtown Bellingham Public Library in everything because that place is a dump. Go visit the Capitol Building and find this studious gem. Pull out a book older than your great grandfather, take a seat in a tired old handmade chair and read. Become smarter. 

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