Monday, September 17

Travel: Iowa State Capitol

Iowa State Capitol

If you've ever wanted to take a trip to Europe but don't think you could afford it, go to Des Moines. Yes, in Iowa. Stop laughing, I'm serious... sort of. Though the town itself is a very un-European collection of buildings and citizens, upon the rich soil of this Iowan metropolis exists a small slice of European design brilliance. The State Capitol building is one that upon visiting immediately forces you to wonder if perhaps they didn't just airlift an actual European structure and drop it ever so softly in the middle of the Iowan countryside. When I actually went to Europe I took many pictures even though I knew the pictures wouldn't even come close to describing the experiences I was experiencing. I felt the same way here. This is an old building (by midwest American standards), built in the late 1800's. More than that though, it is perhaps the most intricate and uniquely decorated building I have come in contact with this side of the Atlantic Ocean. There is a chance I'm just being dramatic and am simply buying into the architectural version of what have you done for me lately. But I really don't think so. This place was strikingly beautiful. Worth a visit for anyone who loves stunning architecture, beautiful ornamental design, a slice of European flair and above all the overwhelming feeling of majestical freedom contained within the walls of a governmental palace. A palace surely built to honor the glory and might of the United States political system. 

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