Wednesday, September 26

Travel: The Memorial

National World War One Museum

"In honor of those who served in the World War in defense of Liberty and our country."

Sunday, September 23

Travel: Kansas City Art

Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art
Kansas City

They're stuck in the middle of America. The river isn't much to look at, the cityscape is pretty average at best and it's mostly flat with a few rolling hills here and there. The fine, hard working citizens of Kansas City need something to look at. I guess the Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art sort of provides that something.  

Thursday, September 20

Travel: Royals

Kauffman Stadium

No one goes to Kansas City just to go to Kansas City. They go for a reason. We went for baseball. That was really the only reason. We enjoyed many other aspects of the city they dub the Paris of the Plains, but we wouldn't have ventured 3 hours south of Des Moines had it not been for baseball. The specific baseball I am referring to is the professional baseball club the Kansas City Royals. What was once a proud and somewhat successful franchise, the Royals are now simply a franchise that has the unique distinction of being the only major league team in Missouri that also happens to be in the American League. Pretty cool right? If they aren't famous for that, which they really aren't, I guess they are also famous for being pretty bad at playing the game of baseball even though that is the one thing they are striving to do. They've been pretty bad for quite a while now. Not Pittsburgh Pirates bad, but still pretty bad. Suffice it to say, I can't imagine that many people willingly choose to make a road trip to see a Kansas City Royals game. Sure, Royals fans may put in the effort to make a quest like this, but it's still the Royals, so I doubt it. In the end, even though the team is a stinker, the stadium is quite nice. A worthwhile venue to partake in an afternoons ballgame.

Wednesday, September 19

Travel: The Rest of Des Moines

Des Moines, Iowa

Here are the stragglers. In decending order...
1. The East Village leading up to the State Capitol building
2. Fancy Art Downtown
3. Delicious post work meal
4. It was 92 degrees, we cooled off any way we could
5. Shiny ball

Tuesday, September 18

Travel: Smell of Rich Mahogany

Law Library: State Library of Iowa

The Library tucked ever so snuggly inside the hallowed walls of the Iowa State Capitol building is breathtaking. Spectacular even. Some people enjoy ranking libraries, I don't know any of these people and can't imagine they actually exist. But I will try my best to do such an activity. Based solely on my own judgement, the State Library of Iowa ranks a close 2nd to the University of Washington's Suzzalo Library in sheer old school grandeur. It ranks slightly ahead of the Seattle Central Library in unique detail. It ranks about as far as possible ahead of the downtown Bellingham Public Library in everything because that place is a dump. Go visit the Capitol Building and find this studious gem. Pull out a book older than your great grandfather, take a seat in a tired old handmade chair and read. Become smarter. 

Monday, September 17

Travel: Iowa State Capitol

Iowa State Capitol

If you've ever wanted to take a trip to Europe but don't think you could afford it, go to Des Moines. Yes, in Iowa. Stop laughing, I'm serious... sort of. Though the town itself is a very un-European collection of buildings and citizens, upon the rich soil of this Iowan metropolis exists a small slice of European design brilliance. The State Capitol building is one that upon visiting immediately forces you to wonder if perhaps they didn't just airlift an actual European structure and drop it ever so softly in the middle of the Iowan countryside. When I actually went to Europe I took many pictures even though I knew the pictures wouldn't even come close to describing the experiences I was experiencing. I felt the same way here. This is an old building (by midwest American standards), built in the late 1800's. More than that though, it is perhaps the most intricate and uniquely decorated building I have come in contact with this side of the Atlantic Ocean. There is a chance I'm just being dramatic and am simply buying into the architectural version of what have you done for me lately. But I really don't think so. This place was strikingly beautiful. Worth a visit for anyone who loves stunning architecture, beautiful ornamental design, a slice of European flair and above all the overwhelming feeling of majestical freedom contained within the walls of a governmental palace. A palace surely built to honor the glory and might of the United States political system. 

Saturday, September 15

Travel: Des Moines

Neal Smith Trail Bridge

A few weeks ago I went to Des Moines, Iowa. I also went to Kansas City. More pixelated documentation will follow of these fancy midwestern towns, but for now I start with a bridge. I start with a bridge because why not? If you haven't noticed yet, I'm a big fan of bridges. Not all bridges of course. Some bridges are boring, lame, and uninspiring. Some bridges were clearly built by governments that didn't value the American dream of blowing excessive money on cool looking things. Those run of the mill bridges do not get pictures taken of them. They do not get featured on this blog. I only care for the special bridges, bridges that stretch the possibilities of engineering and highlight creative design and unique construction. This pedestrian bridge in downtown Des Moines certainly fits the bill. It spans the Des Moines River and connects downtown Des Moines to what is referred to as the East Village. And I know I speak for most of Des Moines when I say thank goodness for this seemingly pretty expensive bridge. If this bridge didn't exist, Des Moinians would have to walk nearly .2 miles south to reach another bridge.  Google Maps says that would take almost 3 minutes to successfully navigate by foot. That is 3 minutes that the average Des Moinian does not have time for. Though I may have just not so subtly and mostly sarcastically proven this bridge to be kind of pointless, it is a beautifully pointless bridge and I am glad they built it.