Sunday, April 29

Travel: Moses Lake

A Lakefront Park
April 21 . 2012

As I am sure every good red blooded American city would, the fine people of Moses Lake named their disease ridden, greenish colored body of water after a fine Biblical man. The legend goes, as Moses the man delivered an entire nation from the shackles of slavery so too did Moses the lake deliver the people of Eastern Washington from the sorrows of drought and thirst. I cannot guarantee that this legend is true, but it makes too much sense not to be. The town of Moses Lake isn't much, but to its credit, it does exist. So to celebrate the existence of this township we took a squadron of little 7th grade baseball players and competed against the finest All Star teams the state of Washington has to offer. In the end, we came up one run short of winning the championship. But as we packed up our gear and headed out of town for a 4 hour drive home, I couldn't help but think we were the winners that day. For you see, the real victory was realizing we didn't live in Moses Lake. 

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