Sunday, April 15

Bellingham: Parkade x2

April 14 . 2012

Bellingham doesn't have a lot of towers. In fact, it has no towers. There is one building that bills itself as the Bellingham Towers. But when you look at it, it only seems like a tower because you are comparing it to the other baby buildings around it. If you stuck the Bellingham Towers in Seattle, realtors would list it as a two story condo with a daylight basement. It's not a tower. It's just not. There once were plans for a building that more resembled a tower. It was going to be very glassy, have some nice condos and be situated downtown with a view to beat all views. But the people who usually whine about things here in Bellingham whined about that and succeeded in having it shut down. That or the economy did. Either way, we have no towers. Thus, no great downtown viewpoints. Save for one... maybe. It's no Space Needle, it's not even the Smith Tower (Seattle reference), but it's all we got. 

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