Tuesday, January 3

Living Vicariously through My Former Self: Le Cinque Terre

Le Cinque Terre, Italy

I know I said in the last post that I would want to go back to pretty much every single place I visited on my little treck across Europe. That remains true. But like any good parent who has a favorite child, I also have a favorite city. This favorite city actually isn't a city at all, but rather a little collection of villages strung together by a train track and a hiking trail. These quaint little villages make up what the locals call Le Cinque Terre. Made touristy popular by the Northwests favorite travel guide Rick Steves, these towns are tucked into ravines, crammed across hillsides and situated perfectly against beaches. If you don't ever visit Le Cinque Terre in your lifetime you are doing yourself a disservice. Plus, the pesto is delicious. Have the pesto.  

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