Sunday, May 1

Welcome Back

The Neighboring Woods
aka: The View from the Apt.

We all have that friend from high school or college. The friend who, for whatever reason, we don't get to see very often anymore. But on the oft-occasion we do get to see them, it instantly feels as if we'd never been a part. The stories start flying, the inside jokes are re-kindled, the expected awkwardness ceases to exist. There is a comfort level that shouldn't exist between two people who have been a part from each other for so long. That's what warm, sunny days in the northwest are like. You don't see them much, if ever, from October - April, but when they come back in late spring, it's like they'd never left.


Anonymous said...

Love it. I've been hitting the dusty trail when the sun's out. Missin' me some catch with a certain Kile Petersen...Maybe he'd move down soon?

Unknown said...

I will do anything for a good game of catch...