Friday, May 6

I Spit, Therefore I Rap

Maritime Heritage Park
Bellingham, WA

On the recommendation of my Mother, I went down to Maritime Heritage Park to check out the raging river that is Whatcom Creek. I haven't seen flow like that since SPU hip hop legend King David took the mike at the 2008 Homecoming Talent Show.* The normally sedate creek is currently unleashing more cubic feet of water per minute than is flushed down American toilets during the entirety of the halftime of the Super Bowl. That's pretty impressive for a made up fact. Some people would argue it's because of the glacial melt from Mt Baker and the neighboring North Cascades. I on the other hand, agree with them.

*Not sure what ever happend to David "the King", or King D as he was commonly referred to. But I do know if I had ever had a budding underground Hip Hop career, he would have been my inspiration . I also know his groundbreaking EP is loaded on my iPod and will be played at some point in the near future. As the King often said, "Obesity reigns when the Burger is King".

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