Tuesday, November 30

Pick Your View

"I never trashed a hotel room or did drugs" - Sean Connery
As it turns out, Sean and I have a lot more in common than the average man gave us credit for.

Over the past two months I have gone to three different athletic events to sell and promote product for my company. I could sit here and describe what each location was like, but that would be very taxing on me. A lot of writing. I don't need the added stress in my life. Instead of describing, I will let you see. As the old saying goes, tis better to show a view from a hotel room than explain what that view may be. (unless of course the hotel in question is located off of Aurora in Seattle. In that case, no description, whether verbal or visible, is appropriate) Therefore, I present the views from my hotel room in each unique location. The Three locations and hotels are The Westin: Seattle, WA, The Holiday Inn: Clearwater, FL and The Hilton: Long Beach, CA. Take your pick. The City? The Beach? The Industrial power plant looking harbor smog factory?

Tuesday, November 23

We are the Champions

Ironman Championships 70.3
Clearwater, FL

As i've said in previous posts, this was the reason I went to Clearwater. I went to sell and promote product for Erin Bakers (as seen in our race course advertisement above) at the Ironman 70.3 championships expo. On the day I left, I got to watch the race and see all six of our competing Erin Bakers athletes (second photo from last) compete and complete the race. A 70.3 Ironman consists of a 1.2 mile swim, a 56 mile bike ride and a 13.1 mile run, or basically a half Ironman. Since it was the world championships, there were athletes from all over the world. I don't know who the guy was, but the winner was the German fellow in the third picture down. And as you can see from the first photo, it would be hard to find a more picturesque location than they have in Clearwater.

Sunday, November 21

The rest of Clearwater

I put up the sunset reflection pool picture a week ago. Now it's time for a few more from my trip to Clearwater. This is the Clearwater beach that gives Clearwater Beach, FL it's name. The Ironman expo and event, the reason why I was in Clearwater, was held on this beach. It had some of the softest sand I had ever walked on. It was almost like walking on warm powdered snow that wasn't wet... if that makes sense. Clearwater was great, but maybe not great enough to warrant a trip back. Other than the beach and the less than interesting touristy stuff, not a lot going on.

Tuesday, November 16

My oh My and Fly Fly Away

Dave Niehaus
(1935 - 2010)

"Get out the rye bread and mustard this time Grandma, it is Grand Salami time"

Thursday, November 11

Clearwater Beach

Clearwater, Fl
Where the Water is Anything But (official 1997 City Slogan")*

My work sent me to Clearwater, Florida for the Ironman World Championships 70.3. Clearwater is on the gulf side of the sunshine state and is a quick 20 minute drive out of Tampa Bay. They told me the reason they shipped me down to the 2nd farthest state from beautiful Washington (as the boeing flies) was to hand out free samples of Granola and sell breakfast cookies. I did that. However, I'm sure the real reason they sent me down here was to take a picture of a sunset reflection in a pool. I did that as well. For those who enjoy Space and the great unknown world beyond our own, note the little celestial body in the upper left hand corner.

*not true

Thursday, November 4

City of Subdued Excitement

Cities have slogans. Some work. Some don't. Bellingham's works. Almost too well. It's got to be all the retired folk. Retired people seem excited... but in a very subdued way.

Some people say that this mural was the first place this "official" city "slogan" was first publicized. Not sure if this is fact or not. I may have just made that up.