Saturday, April 17

Clear-cutting is the Coolest

Thanks to the invention of power and the need for lumber, Ty, Keaton and I got to enjoy this view. As you can see, what we have here is Lake Whatcom, Sudden Valley, Bellingham and the Bay. Obviously it's not as clear as one would like, but it's better than the last time I hiked this. That day is was all fog and clouds. Also, in the lower left-ish corner is my current home, Camp Firwood. You can even fuzzily see my house. Cool, right? So this "hike" is actually an access road that we followed all the way up the hill. The road serves both the power lines that shoot across this little hill and the lumber industry that uses these hills for wood collecting purposes. The power lines are the main reason for this view. They had to clear-cut a huge path through the woods in order to build three long power lines. So if you follow the access road to the peak of the hill, there just so happens to be a little lookout where, on a clear day, you can look out all the way to the San Juan Islands, up into North Whatcom County and Canada and down to the south end of the Lake as well. Awesome view. Tiring hike, but worth the effort in the end.

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