Monday, March 29

The Last Supper

1970's-ish, techno/laser light show inspired, modern stained glass looking, Jesus. I guess that's how I would describe this if I were in given the task of having to describe it. This mural has been downtown a while. I've always wanted a picture of it, but there are always vehicles parked in front of it. As chance would have it, I was downtown doing some wedding photog with Josh Durias and happened upon said mural. As it turned out, no cars. Perfectly wide open shot. Made my day. It's an interesting mural, painted on the wall near a baptist church. The colors are awesome, it's very unique and it really pops, especially on a dark, dreary day like it was when I took these. Also, it's Bellingham. Most of the art around this town are weird sculptures that were inspired by the random scribbles of 1st graders...that or the peace pipe. So I guess it's nice to see a piece of art that makes some form of sense. Whoever created this piece of art was just one of a bunch of people who have recreated the scene of the last supper. ABC and the television show "Lost" created a promo where the characters from "Lost" were seated at a long table just like in the famous biblical last supper scene. Check it out here, if you want. ( Likewise, someone used the same image yet replaced the biblical characters with the players from the 2004 Boston Red Sox World Championship team.'s%20Last%20Supper.jpg) At the time the Red Sox re-creation made perfect sense. It was humorous and Johnny Damon and those resilient Sox really were the saviors of the perennially unlucky Red Sox organization. However, a few years later Damon bolted the team he saved for the hated rivals from the Bronx. I guess the similarities end there. Jesus never left Heaven for more money in Hell. At least the Lost promo still kind of works.


Heyward said...

"Jesus never left Heaven for more money in Hell"


Unknown said...

If I were ever asked to write a new, modern day gospel, Chapter 1, verse 1 would say just that.