Tuesday, March 9

Gettin his Dues

Josh Durias is a photographer. A great photographer. He has a feature on his blog (http://www.duriasblog.com/) where he highlights accomplishments and happenings of local people each month. He should highlight himself, but I know he won't. That might not look too good. So I will. Within the last two years he has gone from a guy who just wanted to take pictures of his little kid to successfully taking amazing photos of people he had no role in bringing to this earth. He takes pictures of people when they get engaged, when they get married, when they desire to graduate high school and want to show their family and friends how good they look, when they want to pose in odd ways by modeling, and for a myriad of other reasons. In short, he takes photos of people for whatever reason someone may want him to. And he takes them really well. I've shot with him a couple times. Once at a wedding. What I learned is that he loves it. He loves taking pictures, he loves creating beautiful images, he loves engaging with his subjects in both a fun and meaningful way. Most of all, he loves telling a story through his photography. And it shows. Check out his stuff, it's good.
Here he is in action. He just looks the part of a quality photographer, doesn't he.


Josh said...

Thanks Kile!

Becca's face in that photo is priceless.

"Hey... where'd the photographer go?"

Good times in Leavenworth!

Anonymous said...

Hey Kile!

Just found your blog and was looking through your posts. Thank you for such a nice write up of Josh! You are a kind man.:)
