Tuesday, November 29

Travel: Fort Casey

Fort Casey State Park
Whidbey Island, WA

Thursday, November 17

Travel: Hawaii x3

Maui, HI
Menehune Shores x2

These were all taken around the condo where we stayed. In fact, the middle picture is the condo where we stayed. Other highlights include 1. The view from the condo roof, 2. A grassy trail, 4. Some beach chairs and 5. a 15 megapixel photo of an 8 megapixel photo of the sunset. 

Travel: The Unknown

Big Beach, Makena State Park
Maui, HI

Unbeknownst to anyone in my traveling party, on the other side of this wonderful beach we attended exists a place called Little Beach. You might think they named it that because it's small and short, crammed in between two big rock formations. However, the locals might say it's called that because it's like a little slice of Europe. The Europe they would be referring to is the nudist beach part of Europe. I can confirm that the beach on the other side of the rocks is in fact a nudist beach because the stoner who offered me a joint said in order to get to the cliff jumping rocks you had to go up over the large rock mountain and around the nudist beach. After I was told this, I was also asked to not tell anyone that said person who was smoking a blunt was in fact smoking a blunt because his Dad was a famous politician on the island. Hawaii !!

Wednesday, November 9

Travel: Puka 'ana La

Maui, HI
Menehune Shores

If you can't take a decent sunset picture in Hawaii you shouldn't own a camera. 

Seattle: Mighty are the Memories

Husky Stadium
November 5 . 2011

(click on the picture if you believe it should be larger)
I took a shot similar to this a few weeks ago when I was at the Colorado game. I posted it a few posts ago. But this was the final game at the Husky Stadium that was the Husky Stadium before it will become the new Husky Stadium. So clearly I needed a final panorama to celebrate the occasion. Some things will change with the refurbished stadium, most notably that track will be gone. Though it will be great to have that eyesore out of the way, it will be sad to see a few other things go by the way side. The most obvious of course being the tile peeing walls in a select few men's bathrooms. Sure most of the peeing walls had already been replaced by troughs or in a few cases urinals, but the few remaining walls were special to me. Where else in the world was it not only encouraged but expected that you let it all out all over a wall. No need to aim, no need to worry about back splash up on to the rim of the bowl, no need to think really. Just pee. To the right, to the left, up, down. Sign your name in cursive. Play a quick game of tic tac toe with your neighbor. Wherever and however you wanted to pee was fine at Husky Stadium in the special walled urine depositories. It's a little kids dream to be given the freedom to pee all over a wall. Husky Stadium made my little dreams a big reality.