Sunday, October 16

Travel: Willkommen

Highway 2
(near) Leavenworth, WA

A week ago I went to Oktoberfest in Leavenworth, the land of lederhosen, dirndls, beer and brats. The drive on Highway 2 in the month of October is a trip worth writing home about. We only stopped once to take a few pictures and for that, I am truly sorry. Sorry for you and sorry for myself. If I was in charge and didn't need to worry about the needs of others I would have stopped on the side of the road at least 12 to 15 times. I never would have made it to Leavenworth. It would have started to get dark and I would have turned back. These pictures aren't really that great, don't tell the whole story of how beautiful it was and generally just serve to make me wish I had more accurately captured what I saw on our little weekend trek. 

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