Sunday, October 23

Bellingham: Taylor St Boardwalk

Taylor St Boardwalk
Bellingham, WA

I was late to a steak dinner my mother was preparing in my honor last Monday evening. The reason I arrived at my parents house later than the time in which I had earlier in the day declared I would be arriving at was due to powers beyond my control. When I finally got to my parents house that evening my mother asked, "why are you late?" I responded "Because I couldn't leave a sunset like tonights." She looked me in the eye and said "it had better have been worth it". You be the judge, was it worth it? 
(The above dialogue was based on a true story. The actual words spoken may have been exaggerated in this retelling for the purpose of dramatization)

Sunday, October 16

Travel: Willkommen

Highway 2
(near) Leavenworth, WA

A week ago I went to Oktoberfest in Leavenworth, the land of lederhosen, dirndls, beer and brats. The drive on Highway 2 in the month of October is a trip worth writing home about. We only stopped once to take a few pictures and for that, I am truly sorry. Sorry for you and sorry for myself. If I was in charge and didn't need to worry about the needs of others I would have stopped on the side of the road at least 12 to 15 times. I never would have made it to Leavenworth. It would have started to get dark and I would have turned back. These pictures aren't really that great, don't tell the whole story of how beautiful it was and generally just serve to make me wish I had more accurately captured what I saw on our little weekend trek. 

Saturday, October 1

Seattle: UW vs CAL

Seattle WA / Husky Stadium
UW vs Cal

The U of W won the game. And we all know that when the Huskies win, America Wins. You're welcome America.