Saturday, August 6

Seattle: $3.50

There exists this profound little story about how sometimes we don't always get our way in life. It centers around our protagonist, me, not getting to stay home from school due to sickness because the antagonist, my mother, out-smarted me and called my bluff. In other words, I got parented. She somehow knew I wasn't indeed sick. But instead of just calling me out for being a snotty little faking lier and a disappointment to the family, she plainly noted how if I was too sick for school I was also too sick to attend my schools annual 50's dance that evening. Mom subtly went all in and all i could do was fold. If I had my way, I would have been able to skip out on school and still attend the dance that night with my friends. Instead, I got to go to the dance but also had to endure a day of public education. Moral: sometimes we don't always get our way in life.
This brings me to the picture above. You can see it depicts somewhat of a sunset off in the distance with the majestic 520 bridge featured prominently vanishing out over Lake Washington. I was hoping the sunset would explode and cover the sky in vivid, bright colors. It tried, but in the end failed to live up to my hopes and dreams. It was descent, but it wasn't what I wanted. Good thing I learned as a young child that we don't always get our way in life.

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