Tuesday, March 1

Personal: It's About Time

Reminder: Mariners Opening Day is 1 month from today.

It's been a long cold winter. La Nina has tried to kill my will to enjoy being outdoors and doing outdoorsy things. I played tennis in January outdoors in subfreezing temperatures to try to outdo La Nina. But in a sign of hope, the Super Bowl has come and gone, which can only mean one thing... Baseball. And Baseball can only mean one thing, spring (and eventually summer) is finally on its way. The days are getting longer and the weather will someday start to get warmer. The grass is growing, playing catch is almost an afternoon activity option and the Mariners are meere weeks away from beginning their assault on the 2011 World Series Championship. Don't believe me? Your loss. Mariners MLB champs in 2011. You heard it here first.

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