Sunday, October 24

You Think You Know

Big Rock Garden
Oct 24.2010

Just when you think you know a place, it goes and drops a little surprise on you. In this case, I thought I knew Bellingham. I thought I'd seen it all. Turns out there was a hidden little sculpture park that I had no idea existed. Tucked away on top of Alabama hill there sits a small little park. Inside this park are over 30 sculptures planted in a very well thought out maze of paths, bushes, shrubs, trees and a bathroom. I'll be the first to admit that I'm not the most passionate fan of sculpture art. In fact, a lot of it confuses me. A lot of it seems pointless and simple. Especially that stuff they planted all over WWU's campus. But this park was interesting. Well worth a visit. Well worth a second visit when the lighting is better.

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