Friday, September 3

Aloha Means Hello

Kapalua, Maui
September 2. 2010

A few thoughts so far...
- You know your mom doesn't like flying when she discusses her will at length during the drive to the airport. She also calls my lawyer uncle to let him know where it's kept in our house. I'm not a therapist, but I would think that's not necessarily the healthiest of pre flight jitter habits.
- Humidity is overrated. Not unbearable, i'm fine with it. It's just overrated.
- Eating a handful of Dry Roasted Macadamia nuts w/ a hint of sea salt from the islands is the equivalent of hitting the game winning three in a hotly contested 3 on 3 game of pickup basketball at Lake Padden court. In other words, it's good, smooth as butter good.
- When my mother says "this (hiking) trail is a real taste of Hawaii" I assume the taste she is referring to is that of a Hawaiian Slurpee.
- There are all sorts of things I have wanted to take cell phone pictures of and send to friends back home, but then I don't because I feel like I would just be showing off and reminding them that I am in Hawaii and they are not. I don't want to be that guy.

more to come...

1 comment:

Janine Ridings said...

Love the story about your mom's comments on the way to the airport! :)