Sunday, September 12

Aloha Means Goodbye

Maui, Hawaii

Final Thoughts from Hawaii:
1) Locals can make up anything they want to impress travelers knowing full well travelers will take everything they say as 100% truth. Take this made up conversation for proof;
Traveler 1: "Did you know Hawaii is home to the second most variety of native breeds of elephants in the world”
Traveler 2: “That’s ridiculous. I haven’t seen a single Elephant on this island. Prove it!”
Traveler 1: "Don't have to. A native hawaiian told me."
Traveler 2: "Oh I see, well that’s cool then. I like Elephants... Want a Mai Tai?”
The minute Hawaii gets Internet, and thus Google, Native Hawaiian’s will instantly seem 40% less knowledgeable. (Based on my feeling that native Hawaiian’s make up about 40% of the “facts” they throw out while leading tours, spouting off in bar’s and engaging in friendly conversation at the local surf shop.)
2) If the beaches weren’t so beautiful, refreshing, relaxing and entertaining, no one would go there. The water is nasty salty and sand can often be rather annoying.
3) Bringing a child under the age of 5 on a trip to Hawaii seems to be a solid way to make sure the trip will suck more than it should.
4) The true Definition of Snorkeling: Watching beautiful and rare fish use the ocean as their expansive and limitless restroom.


Anonymous said...

I laughed at your thoughts on this one and then attempted to tell people next to me about it. They weren't as interested as I thought they should be. If I find any treasure in Scottish fields today I'll say "this is for Kile Petersen" as I enjoy whatever the ensuing storm of wealth buys me.

Unknown said...

I guess my life isn't interesting to Europeans. Shoot. Well, as long as you get to become filthy rich on my good name, I couldn't be happier.

Janine Ridings said...

Love the photos, Kile. You really are talented. Thanks for sharing! I really think you and Joel should think about starting a photography business together. (or you could each start your own.)

Unknown said...

Thanks Janine. I've actually been helping a friend do some wedding photography over the past year. I have a lot to learn still but it's been fun and who knows where I'll go with it.