Wednesday, June 16

The Links

Golf is fun when it's a beautiful day, you have a golf cart, you're playing with entertaining, fun people, you're celebrating the upcoming marriage of a good friend, you didn't have to take out a loan to fund the 18 holes, you actually play decently all day, you have a bag full of crappy golf balls so you don't care if you happen to lose a couple deep drives into the woods, some of the holes have amazing views of Whatcom county and Mt. Baker, the course is mostly empty, and did I mention you have a golf cart to drive around in all day. Turns out, we had all the above mentioned factors. Therefore, it was a fun day of Golf. I haven't played a legit 18 holes of golf in a long time, far too long. It was great to get back out there and swing the old graphite sticks again. Reminded me why I used to play more often when I was a little squirt. That and my dad used to pay for greens fees. Man I miss those days.

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