Tuesday, May 25

Mr. Blue Sky

Since nice days apparently are a rarity in the Great Northwest right now, I had to take advantage of a nice one a few weeks back. After work I found myself downtown with about 2 hours until I had to be at some friends house for a party. Seeing as that I live a half hour or so from downtown, I wasn't about to drive all the way out to the boat house just to sit at home for an hour and then turn around and drive a half hour back into town for the party. That would require multiple trips to and from Sudden Valley, something of which I do not do. For those counting at home, I have officially only driven into town, back to the boathouse andthen back into town in the same day 3 times this year. 3 times. Only 3 multiple trip days all year. When I leave the house for the day, I stay away until I am fully committed to being at home for the rest of the night. Frustrating? a little. Annoying? yeah. I basically live out of my car. I throw everything I could possiblythink to need each day in my car and head out. It's not an ideal way to live, but it saves a lot of gas and a lot of time. And instead of wasting that gas and time driving to and from myhouse in a single day, I can instead cruise places in Bellingham like the old GP waterfront site. Which is exactly what I did to get these pictures. See what I did just now. I came full circle. I started this post by talking about why I had taken these photos. Then I veered off topic to explain why I've spent a majority of my life this year living as a transient in Bellingham. Finally, while wrapping up my explanation on my driving/living habits, I seamlessly and effortlessly concluded by telling about how these pictures to the left came about. Sometimes you sit down for 10 minutes to post some random pictures and scribble out an explanation about those pictures. And sometimes, those scribbles turn out to be a pulitzer prize worthy piece of literature.

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