Monday, January 18

Whatcom Museum: The Lightcatcher

Check out the new Museum in town. The minute you think Bellingham is just a small little burg with hippies, food co-ops, petitions to ban boats on Lake Whatcom, odd art and retired people, we get a beauty like this that breaks the mold. Bellingham will hopefully always have that feeling of a small town that happens to be growing a bit. But it's nice sometimes when we get things like this that make it feel like we are a big city with cool, modern things to see, experience and enjoy. To me, this wall/adjoining courtyard was shockingly awesome because it felt very unlike Bellingham. If I saw this in Seattle or New York, I wouldn't be as surprised. Stuff like this is more prevalent. But here in "small" city Bellingham, it stands out for being modern and imaginative in a town of bland, weird and cliche "local" art that isn't that good. I didn't go in the museum, I'll save that for another day, but at least from the outside, it gets my approval.

Saturday, January 9

The Dead of Winter has its Days

This may look like a spring day, but it isn't. Too bad. However, it's official! El Nino is upon us. Lots of dry, slightly warmer than normal days ahead. To some, this may not be exciting. Like the 2010 Vancouver Olympics organizers/participants/parents of participants and fans. They want the snow, and buckets of it. However, I'm fine without it. In fact, I'd be fine if El Nino kicked the end of winter/early spring weather pattern aside all together and allowed late spring to usher itself in. It's starting to feel like spring, it might as well be spring.

The Center house is getting close. Come down and see it for yourself.