Thursday, June 25

I took a little Bellingham Bay Cruise...On a boat...cue the jokes.

After numerous sailing trips, whale watching escapades, yacht excursions and having recently worked down at the marina for endless hours, I have decided that boating is where it's at. Mind you, as of now, I am only a fair weather boater, meaning I've generally only been when the weather is nice, and I've generally only liked boating when the weather is nice. That to say though, who isn't a fair weather boater? Do people actually like boating in storms, drizzle and sleet? Maybe, and more power to them. For me though, a warm summers afternoon/evening with the sun setting off over the San Juan's and a slight breeze keeping the boat a movin has the makings of a perfect night. Someday I may learn to sail and someday yet, I may have enough money to buy a boat. Don't count on it though. Also, this is why I must live on the water, preferably the ocean water. Furthermore, this is why I must live on the West Coast water, where the sunsets are at.

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