Thursday, June 25

I took a little Bellingham Bay Cruise...On a boat...cue the jokes.

After numerous sailing trips, whale watching escapades, yacht excursions and having recently worked down at the marina for endless hours, I have decided that boating is where it's at. Mind you, as of now, I am only a fair weather boater, meaning I've generally only been when the weather is nice, and I've generally only liked boating when the weather is nice. That to say though, who isn't a fair weather boater? Do people actually like boating in storms, drizzle and sleet? Maybe, and more power to them. For me though, a warm summers afternoon/evening with the sun setting off over the San Juan's and a slight breeze keeping the boat a movin has the makings of a perfect night. Someday I may learn to sail and someday yet, I may have enough money to buy a boat. Don't count on it though. Also, this is why I must live on the water, preferably the ocean water. Furthermore, this is why I must live on the West Coast water, where the sunsets are at.

Monday, June 22

UW and the Cherry Blossoms

I took these back in April but forgot to put them up. I like Cherry Blossoms. I also like playing catch amongst the Cherry Blossoms, which I did with a friend who goes to the mighty U of W. On that note, if you ever want to make my day, here's a little tip. Grab me and a couple of baseball gloves, a fairly new yet slightly worn in leather baseball, and lets go to a park to have a little catch. Easy enough right?

SPU Graduation 2009

I took a bunch at the SPU graduation. These were 5 of my favorites. There were good times had all around, however, it was a little depressing being in $70 seats at Safeco Field on a relatively beautiful day in Seattle with the roof open yet not having Griffey and the Mariners playing.

Lost or Independence Day?

It's Desmonds hatch from "lost" season 1. Right? Who knew it was in Seattle all along. However, if it's not the hatch, then it is the alien death ray from "Independence Day" starring the fresh prince himself, Will Smith.