Tuesday, December 29

A Hidden Gem

This little beauty was taken up in Plain, Washington. Never heard of it, don't worry, no one else has either. No offense to Plain though, very nice little area. It's right up by Leavenworth tucked up in the mountains. Nice little area for skiing and snowshoeing in the winter, hiking and river rafting in the summer, and living out in the middle of nowhere all year round. In case you're ever in the area, best breakfast spot is easily the 59er Diner. Look it up and go there, it's right off of the old highway 2, can't miss it. You won't be disappointed. Especially if you love the 50's, Elvis, Jukebox's, bacon and a cool Budweiser at 8:00am in the morning. This woodsy picture was taken at a mountain resort where a wedding I was helping with was taking place. I'd go back. Not often, not every year, but i'd go back.

Wednesday, November 4

Fall: My 3rd Most Favorite Season.

This happens to be the view from the porch...or the bed if I happen to be waking up.

Tuesday, November 3

The Dream

This is what I think about on cold, damp, dark northwest Fall/winter/spring days. Not too much to ask for, right? I need sun. These were both shot on the same trip a couple summers ago. My dad, brother and I were hanging out in LA and happened upon the beach. For some reason, though I have been to the LA area numerous times, this trip was the best. It was a combination of the beautiful weather, the amount of time spent at the beach, watching baseball every other day, and eating Inn and Out burger. Granted, i've done this on almost all of me LA trips, but for some reason, maybe because it's the most recent, this sticks out in my mind as being the best. So when the weather turns to muck up here in the great northwest rain forest, I always find myself dreaming of the glory days of oceans, beaches and warm sunny sun.

Wednesday, October 28

Fall is overrated. There. I said it.

Fall is like a beauty pageant contestant. The only thing going for her are her looks.

Friday, October 16

Reveille Island

Firwood owns an island, an entire island. For interesting facts sake, it's the only island on Lake Whatcom. There are many legends of the island. One such legend tells a tale about Native Americans who inhabited the island, then killed themselves so they wouldn't be captured by raiding enemy Native Americans. Many believed that the voices of the former inhabitants could still be heard to this day. However, that myth was proven wrong when it was discovered that those voices were instead from little campers hunting deer, rolling down muddy hills, fighting each other and staff with sticks and pine cones and looking for Cabins filled with candy, chocolate sauce and gumdrops. There was no one over there when I went over, just a deer.

Monday, October 12

This is where I live.

These are things I might find when I walk out my front door.

Monday, October 5

The New House in the Neighborhood

In case you haven't been down in a while, the Center House is Huge. Massive. Big. There were also some nails on the floor that had fallen, or perhaps had been placed, conveniently in the shape of something that some may say, looks like a cross. I can already hear Mr. Blue Sky being blared through the new speaker system on those patented scorching hot Firwood days.

Thursday, September 3

Arlington, Texas

Jerry Jones spent a fortune on his new home for the Dallas Cowboys. A figurative, and perhaps literal, middle finger to the recession. He admitted that this football palace could have been built for about 850 million, but he wondered why not just go for it and cross the billion dollar mark. Yeah, why not Jerry? What else could one do with 150 million bucks? This was a window that actually isn't a window, it's a door, it opens.

Ever seen The Rookie? Those are the gates he walks through when he first is called up to the Big's and joins the major league club in Arlington.

San Antonio, Texas

My family went to Texas. The world of Mega Baptist Churches, Nascar, the Dallas Cowboys, 100 degree plus temps, BBQ Beef, self righteousness, mountain-less vistas, Lonestar beer, Cattle, and Missions, San Antonio Missions. Good trip, quite the experience, don't want to live there.

Thursday, June 25

I took a little Bellingham Bay Cruise...On a boat...cue the jokes.

After numerous sailing trips, whale watching escapades, yacht excursions and having recently worked down at the marina for endless hours, I have decided that boating is where it's at. Mind you, as of now, I am only a fair weather boater, meaning I've generally only been when the weather is nice, and I've generally only liked boating when the weather is nice. That to say though, who isn't a fair weather boater? Do people actually like boating in storms, drizzle and sleet? Maybe, and more power to them. For me though, a warm summers afternoon/evening with the sun setting off over the San Juan's and a slight breeze keeping the boat a movin has the makings of a perfect night. Someday I may learn to sail and someday yet, I may have enough money to buy a boat. Don't count on it though. Also, this is why I must live on the water, preferably the ocean water. Furthermore, this is why I must live on the West Coast water, where the sunsets are at.

Monday, June 22

UW and the Cherry Blossoms

I took these back in April but forgot to put them up. I like Cherry Blossoms. I also like playing catch amongst the Cherry Blossoms, which I did with a friend who goes to the mighty U of W. On that note, if you ever want to make my day, here's a little tip. Grab me and a couple of baseball gloves, a fairly new yet slightly worn in leather baseball, and lets go to a park to have a little catch. Easy enough right?

SPU Graduation 2009

I took a bunch at the SPU graduation. These were 5 of my favorites. There were good times had all around, however, it was a little depressing being in $70 seats at Safeco Field on a relatively beautiful day in Seattle with the roof open yet not having Griffey and the Mariners playing.

Lost or Independence Day?

It's Desmonds hatch from "lost" season 1. Right? Who knew it was in Seattle all along. However, if it's not the hatch, then it is the alien death ray from "Independence Day" starring the fresh prince himself, Will Smith.

Thursday, May 7

It's Been Far Too Long Since I Last Went to Baindbridge

My family used to have a cabin over on Bainbridge Island. It was a very old house that had a tilting foundation, a toilet that didn't flush, a small television that received roughly 3 fuzzy channels and little mice running around during the winter months. It had been the home of my great grandparents, built by great gramps himself, and then became a summer/vacation home for the rest of our extended family. It was on the water tucked deep inside Port Madison Bay, had a little fire pit and was home to some of my greatest memories as a child. 4th of July parties, memorial and labor day weekends, other random get togethers at the cabin. It was the place to be in the summer. Then, the owners of the house (my Grandpa and some other extended family members) came to a decision to sell the house. It was a hard one, but they did what they felt was right at the time. It was tough for the rest of the family, but the situation was what it was and we all moved on. I miss that place though. I spent a lot of great days over there. Most of those memories include the ferry rides to and from the island. I don't get to ride the ferries much anymore. Sometimes I wish I did.

Sunday, March 22

So apparently people actually go to the Seattle Center to hang out. Who knew?

I know, the cliche Seattle night photo. But if you live in Seattle and have even a slight interest in photography, you have to have this picture right? Just like the Kerry Park night shot, the I-90/I-5 interchange night shot and a shot of a Ferry. Also, really? people actually hang out at the Seattle Center on a Saturday night?