Thursday, May 30

Bellingham: Youth Group

Big Field Games
Bellingham Covenant Church

When you put a group of middle/high school students in the same common area as buckets of colorful powder, great things are likely to happen. 

Tuesday, May 21

Northwest: A Garden

Bellevue Botanical Garden
Bellevue, WA

Bellevue has a lot of money. Excessive amounts of money. This is no secret. Bellevue also has a large urban garden. A lot of cities have large urban gardens. Not all of those cities with large urban gardens have excessive amounts of money. Based on absolutely no research I have concluded that there is no direct correlation between cities with excessive amounts of money having large urban gardens. However, there is a correlation between cities with excessive amounts of money and bridges to nowhere. You see, buried deep within the Bellevue Botanical Garden is a beautiful suspension bridge.  It spans a deep enough ravine and is something you don't usually find in a park such as this. However, it basically goes no where. You cross the bridge only to find an 1/8th of a mile loop trail that circles back to the bridge. It's a great walk through a wonderful inner city garden with a bridge that really is a fascinating engineering gem. But the bridge goes no where. Not literally, but basically.