Saturday, March 23

Phoenix: Part 5

Random Others
Phoenix, AZ

I guess these could have gone up on an earlier post. But they didn't, so here they are. The first came about due to a torrential desert rain storm. What was normally an open fairway of a municipal golf course was naturally turned into a mirror-like reflective body of water. The other two came from two separate hikes. The catch is, both hikes were hiked in the same day. We furiously biked the numerous miles that exist between the two trailheads. We are so healthy and physically fit.

Tuesday, March 19

Phoenix: Part 4

Camelback Mt
Scottsdale, AZ

Summited this sucker about 5 minutes before the sunset. Stuck around up top until it got mostly dark. The treck back down was a little more interesting. Thank the sweet Steve Jobs for iphone flashlight apps. 

Sunday, March 17

Phoenix: Part 3

Mostly the Greenbelt
Scottsdale & Tempe

I guess we can call this the architecture and lines post? It turns out Phoenix is more than just cacti, scorpions and rocks. There are also buildings, bridges, tunnels and paths. The desert is far more evolved than I ever gave it credit for. 

For those curious where these locations can be found, all but the pool trellis shot were taken on the greenbelt trail. The first two were up in Scottsdale and the last bridge shot down in Tempe. The trellis shot was 10 yards from our condo at the pool. 

Saturday, March 16

Phoenix: Part 2

Hayden Butte Preserve
Tempe, AZ

Life Lesson: Never pass up a hike that takes less than 10 minutes & spews out delicious views like the ones below. Especially if it's a sunny day. 

Thursday, March 14

Pheonix: Part 1

E Minnezona Ave
Scottsdale, AZ

Hopefully these shots of deserty things will put you in the mood to see even more shots of more deserty things. After a trip to Phoenix that is really all I have to share. These first four shown below were all taken within 75 yards of our condo. The first three were during the day. The last one was at night. Those are the facts. I guess that is all I have to say at the moment. Stay tuned for more deserty shots!