Thursday, December 19

Travel: Woodrow's Bridge

Woodrow Wilson Memorial Bridge
Alexandria, VA

After spending four days in Alexandria I feel safe saying this bridge is the least Alexandria thing of all things in Alexandria. By that I mean it's not old (by american standards), wasn't used during the civil war, isn't colonial in it's appearance and quite simply is too modern. Don't look at these pictures and think you are now an expert in all things Alexandria. It just isn't true. Unless you actually are an expert in all things Alexandria, then I guess that's pretty cool. Good for you. 

Sunday, December 15

Travel: Temple de George

George Washington Masonic National Memorial
Alexandria, VA

If George Washington was your favorite president, you are probably already very familiar with his towering memorial. Definitely the forgotten step son of the Washington DC memorial scene, Georges honorary building stands atop a slight hill in Alexandria. I didn't get a chance to go inside so I can't tell you what happens inside this structure. I tried to google search it but got bored before I found the answer. But in my brief online search I did read that a small part of the 2nd National Treasure movie was filmed here and that Dan Brown briefly mentioned this memorial in his "The Lost Symbol" book. So if vague pop culture references are your thing, this memorial may be something worse visiting. 

Saturday, November 16

Bellingham: October

Bellingham and Ferndale, WA

I spent all of September worrying and whining about the coming fall. Fall is cold, fall is wet, fall is horrible. Then it turned out we had one of the nicer falls on record. It was warm, dry and pleasant. I'm still not the biggest fan of fall, but it did its best to try to win me over. 

Saturday, November 2

Northwest: Island Living?

Camp Kirby
Samish Island, WA

As legend has it, the people of Samish Island enjoy the greatest naps the world has ever known. Though scientifically impossible to prove, spend an evening on this island that may or may not actually be an island and you'll see why the slumber is so wonderful. The word Samish is actually latin for "land of peace and quiet". 

Sunday, October 6

Saturday, September 28

Travel: Gearhart's "Private" Boardwalk

A Boardwalk
Gearhart OR

Getting to this boardwalk is a lot harder than you might imagine. Apparently the folks in the gated community where this boardwalk extends from aren't too keen on letting anyone and everyone have free reign over their walkway. 

Wednesday, September 25

Travel: Gearhart's Sun

Coastal Sunset
Gearhart OR

Sunsets aren't guaranteed when you spend a week at the often overcast and marine drifty Oregon Coast. We basically got one and a half worthwhile sunsets this year. This was the one. The half wasn't worth posting.

Monday, September 23

Seattle: Nightlights

Gasworks Park
Seattle WA

The late night activity at Gasworks always surprises me. But maybe it shouldn't...

Saturday, September 21

Seattle: Old Friend

Downtown Seattle

I recently worked in Seattle part time for 5 or so months. After work I liked to re-explore a city I used to know so well. Here is Part 1. 

Thursday, August 29

Travel: A Huge Apple

Random Others
New York City

Here you go. In descending order... Lincoln tunnel into NY, Central Park Terrace Tunnel thing, buildings reflected in the 9/11 Memorial pool, a flag at the Memorial, trees and things at City Hall and Manhattans view of the sunset over New Jersey. 

Tuesday, August 13

Travel: Across the Pond

Liberty State Park
New Jersey

Based on every joke I've ever heard of New Jersey, the joke is clearly on New Jersey. Poor New Jersey. They try so hard yet apparently are appreciated so little. But gosh darn it if they don't have a beautiful view of a beautiful city. I don't know much about New Jersey and in general don't really care to know much more. But I do know they have a very nice park featuring prominent views of a place the entire world knows so much about.