Wednesday, December 26

Seattle: Touristy Things

Smith Tower
Seattle, WA

You live in a town long enough and you begin to think you've seen it all. I naively thought that of my former city. Then, as life would have it, Ellen and I found ourselves 38 floors above South downtown Seattle looking at a view 9 tourists out of 10 would gladly say rivals that of the Space Needle. For less than half the price! If you've been to Seattle you've probably been up to the top of the Space Needle. You enjoyed yourself and said, "what a nice thing that was". You figured that was the best you could do in the view department and decided to never again look for an observation deck in the Emerald City. You've made a huge mistake. Get down to Seattle, go to Pioneer Square, ride up the last man-operated elevator this fine city has to offer and take in the wonderful views of the Smith Tower observation deck. You owe it to yourself and the hard working people of Seattle to experience this satisfying view you've so selfishly neglected. 

Monday, December 24

Seattle: Book Learnin

Seattle Central Library
Seattle, WA

When we were in Iowa, Ellen and I partook in a visit to the historic library of the State Capitol building. When we were in Seattle, Ellen and I partook in a visit to the modern library of downtown Seattle. As it turns out, we are scholarly folk. Who knew an afternoon in a library could be so fun?