Tuesday, October 30

Saturday, October 13

Bellingham: Mt Baker

Picture Lake, Artist Point & Chain Lakes Trail
Mt Baker

It had been a long time since I last ventured East up to Mt Baker in the Fall. I'm not exactly sure when my last autumn visit was, but my gut tells me my dad may have taken me and Joel up on a daycation one autumn afternoon when we were but young little children. I assume my father hiked around, took in the wonderful views and enjoyed all that our well elevated National Park has to offer. I also assume Joel and I whined about tired legs and cried out for sustenance while generally not appreciating where we were and what we were witnessing. I think we can all agree that kids are annoying, right? Right. Thankfully I am now a fully formed, somewhat mature, mid twenties man who can look around at beautiful mountainous scenery and appreciate that he is in fact looking at beautiful mountainous scenery. Let me be the first to tell you, Mt Baker is the definition of beautiful mountainous scenery. 

Saturday, October 6

Bellingham: Barkley Blvd

Fact: There is no possible way the fall we are currently experiencing here in the Pacific Northwest could be any better than it has been so far.