Sunday, September 25

Travel: Kettle Valley Railway

Kelowna, BC
Myra Canyon/Kettle Valley Railway

Kelowna has more than just a big lake, nice golf courses, perfect summer weather, endless outdoor activities and a vibrant touristy downtown area. It also has a hiking/biking trail converted out of an old railway line up in the hills. No trains or tracks anymore, and a few years ago the old train trestles didn't exist either. They burned down in a massive forest fire. But they were rebuilt, and we walked over them. 

Friday, September 16

Travel: Kelowna means "Grizzly Bear"

Kelowna, BC

I was in Kelowna this past weekend. A nice little tourist town on Lake Okanagan in British Columbia. We swam, boated, kayaked, hiked, bocce'd, frisbeed, Pacho'd, and generally participated in other things of that nature. The weather was as you would expect it to be in this part of the world during this time of the year; a nice and dry 32 degrees celsius. After such a nice trip, I wanted to find out a little bit more about our 4 hour away neighbors to the North-East. I did some research and found out that 18.5% of Kelowna's residents are of retirement age. Nearly 1/5th of the total population! In addition, in July of 2007, "Wakefest", a wake boarding competition and music festival was canceled due to "general rowdiness". From these facts we can assume that Kelowna has one of the highest percentages of unruly old people in North America.

Tuesday, September 13

The Husky


Tyrell has a dog. A dog that is a husky. A husky dog that has eyes. Husky dog eyes that are unlike any eyes you have ever seen. They make diamonds look like rusty playdough globs. 

Seriously... those eyes. 

Wednesday, September 7

Travel: Labor Day

Deception Pass
Whidbey Island, WA

I don't like to brag. I really don't. Sometimes to a fault. I find I don't tell people things, perhaps important life things, because I feel like I may be bragging. But I must say, my 2011 Labor Day weekend was better than yours. It just was. That's what happens when you camp at the beautiful Deception Pass on the best weather weekend of the year. But I'm sure you had a nice little weekend as well.