Wednesday, July 27

Bellingham: Firwood Staff Break

Firwood Staff Break Cruise
Bellingham Bay

If I had hoped to provide you with a photo journal of what a Firwood staff break boat cruise looks like, I wouldn't have chosen these photos. Based on this series, you really have no better idea of what happened on the cruise than I do of what happens to old Disneyland character costumes when they are no longer needed for use at the theme parks. In fact, only one of the frames contains an actual 2011 Firwood staff member. The problem was, I didn't take a lot of photos and thus don't have an accurate digital storybook of the comings and goings of the staff as they enjoyed a beautiful evening aboard Bellingham's finest whale watching adventure vessel. These photos above were just some of the random shots I ended up with at days end. You see, for 90% of the trip my Cannon was set to HD video mode. I shot video. I don't usually shoot video. It was a mostly brand new experience for me. And one day, perhaps one day soon, the collection of these moving picture files I helped create will be systematically bound together under the guidance and direction of musical composition to form a 3 to 4 minute long telling of a wonderful story called the Staff Break Cruise.

Sunday, July 3


Memorial Park
Bellingham, WA
Today we celebrate 4th of July Guy. Sporting wrangler jean shorts, a cutoff No Fear t-shirt and a well worn coors light mesh backed trucker hat, 4th of July guy is intoxicatingly excited for his single most favorite of holidays. For it is on this day, the day of independence from the tyrannical reign of the British empire, that 4th of July guy can openly and emphatically celebrate freedom, George W Bush, Texas sized double bacon steak burgers, big box retail stores, Nascar, payday loans and the right to bear arms all on the same day. And he can do so with a bucket full of well crafted mortar shells imported straight from the land of our forefathers, China. After last years unfortunate homemade tennis ball bomb incident, 4th of July Guy is left with only 7 fingers and no hearing in his right ear, but he won't let that little misshape get in the way of going all out for Backyard 4th-a-palooza 2011. While Mrs 4th is cutting the watermelon, seasoning the beef and putting the 24 pack of silver bullets on ice, 4th of July guy is out back with his trusty mut Rusty cleaning, priming and loading his Winchester Model 24 pump action shotgun, used of course to commence the annual fireworks spectacle. And while 4th offspring are in the yard lighting sparklers and throwing TNT poppits at each others feat, 4th of July Guy is creating a red, white, & blue themed playlist to really set the mood. 4th of July Guy loves his country, loves his family and loves his Ford 150. Today is his day, God Bless 4th of July Guy.