Saturday, April 23

Impulse Hike

This hike, as the title would suggest, wasn't planned. It was a spur of the moment decision to go in search of the great Mt. Baker viewpoints Tony Young had so eloquently described to me once upon a time. He had the advantage of a dirt bike, I instead had the advantage of 5 year old discounted REI "hiking" shoes, a couple water bottles, a free pair of ironman brand sunglasses and an Erin Bakers breakfast cookie. In the early afternoon of a beautifully clear and pleasantly warm April Saturday, I stormed up the North Shore access roads and ended up embarking on a 5 hour trek. For the majority of the time, I meandered all throughout the maze of roads and trails created by the wonderful logging community. After a few wrong turns and numerous water breaks on my way up, I happened upon a very nice view of Mt Baker and her Twin Sisters to the south. But they weren't good enough, I somehow knew the views could somehow get better, so I hiked on. After each bend in the trail, the views proceeded to become enhanced in little ways. That is until I crested a mini peak and found myself with a 360 degree view of the logged acreage i had summited, the town of Acme, Highway 9, the Nooksack river and the beautiful Mt Baker. Unbelievable. Pictures will never describe the full experience, but it's all I've got. So take it in.

Wednesday, April 20

Wedding Tip: Hire a DJ, not Uncle Phil w/ an Ipod

When you were young your parents most likely forced you into eating all your fruits and vegetables with a very popular and easy to pull off ploy. They politely yet sternly threatened you by saying you could only have dessert, or seconds of the good stuff (meat, noodles, bread, etc...) if you finish the gross (healthy) stuff. It was brutal. Everyone at the table knows the kids only want one thing; to enjoy their meal by being allowed to eat what they want and how much of what they want whenever they want. Oreo's and double chocolate milk appetizer? Yes please. Two servings of t-bone steak, buttered up corn on the cob and a side dish of bbq sauce basted pork ribs? That sounds lovely. Sour patch kids and sour apple O's to go with your salad? I'd love a handful. Though science has tried to prove for years that veggies and fruits and all things healthfully gross are good for you and a necessary part of a balanced diet, there is no proof. None. It can't be done. It's a wives tale no more true than the belief you'll drown a slow, embarrassing death if you even think about putting one foot in the shallow end of a pool within one hour of eating. You hear everyday the story of the man that ate McDonalds breakfast sandwiches everyday of his life and lived to be 95. What's more? At age 94 he could still take you off the dribble in one on one and throw down a wicked tomahawk dunk to finish it off. But somehow, many years ago, mom's won. They said "we know we can't get kids to eat veggies and fruits with facts, those just don't hold up. But we can withhold the delicious parts of meals until they consume the part of the meal we deem necessary for no purpose other than to watch them wine, throw a tantrum and eventually suffer through." The point I'm trying to make is that mom's witholding dessert until you eat the grossness is like couples having the dance party at the end of a wedding to make sure the 18 to 31 year old "sort of" friends stay throughout the duration of the wedding. This usually includes the people you work with who are of same age and you kind of like so felt obligated to invite, the friend from college who you were fairly good friends with but don't really know or keep in contact with anymore or the distant family members who you've never talked to but Mom made you invite for some reason having to do with making sure Christmas next year was enjoyable. These last on the list invitees aren't too excited about the wedding, but they came to be nice, to eat good food and to dance. Ceremony and vows? Seen it. Cutting the cake and throwing the bouquet? Happens at every wedding. Toasts by the best man and maid of honor? Never as creative or entertaining as you see in movies. Weddings are long, drawn out and usually contain the same old things. It's all beautiful and meaningful for sure, but unless you are really close family or a good friend, it's just another wedding. The dance party is why you go. It's the saving grace at the end of a long day. But you have to wade through the rest of the wedding to get to it. The bride and groom know this, just like mom's with those darn veggies...

Here is a dance shot I like. I don't really have any other good ones. I'm not good at taking them. But this one worked out.

Sunday, April 10

Blast from the Past

Queen Anne: Someone's House
March 2009