Saturday, January 15

Long Overdue Nuptials

This wedding was from back in the Summer. The ceremony took place at Sacred Heart, a well lived little church overlooking Fairhaven. Not sure why I never put these up, but I am now. Just five, that's all. But these five were specifically chosen because of the narrative they tell. 1. They gathered, she entered 2. He officiated and blessed 3. She smiled (all day) 4. They kissed 5. & danced the night away.

Another Snow

I did a terrible thing a week ago, I posted beautiful snow pictures from a beautiful snowy place. All snow pictures i take and post from here on out will look as if a spastic child tripped and while falling, accidentally took a 5 megapixel photo from his less than quality iphone camera. I'm not in love with this picture. But I still like it. I like it in it's simplicity. And so should you. But if you don't, please disagree respectfully.

Monday, January 3

The North Cascades

As the great Paul Harvey used to say over the airwaves on my way to school, "And now ... the rest of the story." So as i said in the previous post, I was up at baker all weekend, ringing in the new year and snowshoeing my life away. Now, the brief details. We ventured up the old artist point road, found out we were badly out of shape (all the while blaming it on the high altitude), then struck off away from the worn path and blazed through the rugged baker terrain. We crossed ski runs, scaled steep hills, wove in and around mountain forests, reached a plateau summit and ate our breakfast cookies. Then, we meandered a bit. Finally, in a time saving and adventure seeking decision, forged our way down a cliff. A literal cliff. What started as a slow cautious descent turned into a wild, out of control slide. it took about an hour to get up ... and about 3.5 minutes to get back down. In between, we saw these views. These views made it all worthwhile.

Sunday, January 2


Mt Baker

I spent the New Years weekend up at Mt. Baker, staying in the Firs Chalet. We took an adventurous snow shoe trek on New Years Eve. This photo was produced during that trek. I have plenty more pictures to put up, but this picture stood out as my favorite and thus deserved it's own post.