Monday, December 27

Are You Ready for Some Football?

No. But I am ready for basketball. NBA? I tried, but sadly, not yet. Maybe once the playoffs start. Maybe once the Hornets migrate to the Great Northwest. Maybe once Kevin Durant walks out on the city of Oklahoma and says he won't shoot another basketball until he can do so in a Seattle Supersonics Green and Gold Jersey. No football, no NBA, that leaves college basketball. Now that's something I can get behind. And I did. Last week. A nice little game of basketball played between the University of Washington Husky pups and the Nevada something or other not very good team. UW rolled. Good times had by all. This is the Home Court advantage, Hec Edmundson Pavilion. Home of Romarville and UW Hoops.

Friday, December 24

It's That Time of Year.

This .jpeg you see below was originally a Christmas Card I made back for the 2007 Yuletide season. This was the second in a yearly series that was becoming rather popular amongst the masses. Then ... my creativity died. A sad, slow, lonely death. Ever since college ended, I've made as many christmas cards as the Seattle Supersonics have played NBA basketball games. It's a sad state of affairs and it continues on. Maybe next year the old magic will strike again. Until then, you get a nice, recycled Christmas greeting that instead of printing and sending to everyone I just posted on the internet. Yay!

Merry Christmas, From everyone here at the Blog!

Monday, December 6

That's When it hit me, Love is a Verb.

South Lake Union Park
Seattle, WA

She's not the one that got away. Lets not forget, I was the one that left her. However, she is the one that, when I hang out with her, I wonder, did I make a mistake? You're looking good Seattle, stop making me fall in love all over again.