Sunday, September 12

Aloha Means Goodbye

Maui, Hawaii

Final Thoughts from Hawaii:
1) Locals can make up anything they want to impress travelers knowing full well travelers will take everything they say as 100% truth. Take this made up conversation for proof;
Traveler 1: "Did you know Hawaii is home to the second most variety of native breeds of elephants in the world”
Traveler 2: “That’s ridiculous. I haven’t seen a single Elephant on this island. Prove it!”
Traveler 1: "Don't have to. A native hawaiian told me."
Traveler 2: "Oh I see, well that’s cool then. I like Elephants... Want a Mai Tai?”
The minute Hawaii gets Internet, and thus Google, Native Hawaiian’s will instantly seem 40% less knowledgeable. (Based on my feeling that native Hawaiian’s make up about 40% of the “facts” they throw out while leading tours, spouting off in bar’s and engaging in friendly conversation at the local surf shop.)
2) If the beaches weren’t so beautiful, refreshing, relaxing and entertaining, no one would go there. The water is nasty salty and sand can often be rather annoying.
3) Bringing a child under the age of 5 on a trip to Hawaii seems to be a solid way to make sure the trip will suck more than it should.
4) The true Definition of Snorkeling: Watching beautiful and rare fish use the ocean as their expansive and limitless restroom.

Saturday, September 11

Aloha Means Hiking the Ridge

Kapalua Resort:
Mahana Ridge Trail and Arboretum

We took a quick day hike through the west Maui Mahana Ridge hiking trail and adjacent Arboretum. You've got quite the flora and fauna Hawaii, quite the flora and fauna. And those views aren't too bad either.

Tuesday, September 7

Aloha Means Si Suns

"Si Suns" is Greek For Sick Sunsets
Special thanks to: Char Beck for his creative word play and extensive knowledge of foreign language
& Tyler Gorsline for introducing me to and teaching me the ways of Charspeak

3 Separate Days. 3 Separate Sunsets. Yet all strikingly similar. That's the nature of the beast here in Maui. The weather is the same everyday. The sunsets are the same everyday. The pool and beaches are filled with newlyweds everyday.

You may ask, does it get boring? Go ahead a take another look at those sunsets for me. The answer is no. That can never be boring.

Sunday, September 5

Aloha means Free Golf

The Petersen's hit the (affordable) Links
- Kapalua Resort Putting Course -

Friday, September 3

Aloha Means Hello

Kapalua, Maui
September 2. 2010

A few thoughts so far...
- You know your mom doesn't like flying when she discusses her will at length during the drive to the airport. She also calls my lawyer uncle to let him know where it's kept in our house. I'm not a therapist, but I would think that's not necessarily the healthiest of pre flight jitter habits.
- Humidity is overrated. Not unbearable, i'm fine with it. It's just overrated.
- Eating a handful of Dry Roasted Macadamia nuts w/ a hint of sea salt from the islands is the equivalent of hitting the game winning three in a hotly contested 3 on 3 game of pickup basketball at Lake Padden court. In other words, it's good, smooth as butter good.
- When my mother says "this (hiking) trail is a real taste of Hawaii" I assume the taste she is referring to is that of a Hawaiian Slurpee.
- There are all sorts of things I have wanted to take cell phone pictures of and send to friends back home, but then I don't because I feel like I would just be showing off and reminding them that I am in Hawaii and they are not. I don't want to be that guy.

more to come...