Wednesday, November 4

Fall: My 3rd Most Favorite Season.

This happens to be the view from the porch...or the bed if I happen to be waking up.

Tuesday, November 3

The Dream

This is what I think about on cold, damp, dark northwest Fall/winter/spring days. Not too much to ask for, right? I need sun. These were both shot on the same trip a couple summers ago. My dad, brother and I were hanging out in LA and happened upon the beach. For some reason, though I have been to the LA area numerous times, this trip was the best. It was a combination of the beautiful weather, the amount of time spent at the beach, watching baseball every other day, and eating Inn and Out burger. Granted, i've done this on almost all of me LA trips, but for some reason, maybe because it's the most recent, this sticks out in my mind as being the best. So when the weather turns to muck up here in the great northwest rain forest, I always find myself dreaming of the glory days of oceans, beaches and warm sunny sun.